Road To Recovery | Step 3 – Decision | Luke 15:11-32

What is God saying to you?

  1. Considering the message today, what do you think God is saying to you?
  2. What are some of the funny foolish decisions you made as a child?
  3. Why is it easier to go our own way?  What does this look like in your life?
  4. How have you experienced and shown compassion?
  5. Why is God’s compassion confusing to the outsider looking in?
  6. What keeps you from making a decision?
  7. How would you define submission and surrender to God? How does this affect your decision making?

Bible Study

  1. What does the prodigal/lost son say to the father in verses 12? What would this mean in antiquity?
  2. Share some ramifications of the father giving away his estate. What place does he have in the estate?
  3. How do prodigals come to their senses?
  4. What is a living sacrifice (ref. Rom 12:1)?
  5. Have you ever thought of the cost of being a living sacrifice? Share your thoughts.

What will you do?

  1. How did the father know that the son was coming? Are you looking with the fathers eyes at people in your life? Or are you looking with the older sons eyes?
  2. As a result of making a decision to follow Jesus… How do you reclaim your place in Gods story? Do you know your purpose in Gods story, write it out.

Life Group Questions are designed to be a guide for discussion and spiritual growth. The questions are derived as a response to the teaching at Orchard Community Church in Escondido Ca.  Orchard Community Church meets at Orange Glen High School in the Performing Arts Center at 9 and 10:30 on Sunday mornings.

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