Refresh | Waiting | Psalm 130

For all of our sermon questions, we like to ask three main questions.

  1. What is God saying to you?
  2. What does the Bible say?
  3. What will you do?

We will ask some of the same questions each week as well as asking several different questions each week. We ask questions in this way because we believe God is doing something in the heart of the person that is asking the question. When we slow down long enough to ask the question “What is God saying to me?” we give ourselves the time and energy to pay attention to what He might be saying. The Bible questions are there to help us ensure we are hearing correctly from God. God’s word will always be consistent with His voice in our heart and mind. The final questions on “What will you do?” are designed to prompt you to search your heart on what God is saying and respond to it.

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What is God saying to you?

  1. Considering the message today, what do you think God is saying to you?
  2. What are some of the themes present in this passage?  How do they correlate with the previous weeks in our series?
  3. What have been some seasons of waiting in your life?  How was your relationship with God impacted in these times?  Is there a current season of waiting that you are in, if so, can you share about it?
  4. How do you pray to God?  How do you hear from God?

What does the Bible say?

  1.  What are some key words in this chapter?  In each of these sections there are different ideas, what ideas do you see emerge?
  2. What is the purpose of forgiveness according to this passage?  Is this consistent with your understanding?
  3. What is the cause for hope according to this passage?
  4. Establish some context for the passage, research “song of ascents” and “Lament” Psalm.  How does this information better help you understand the passage?

What will you do?

  1. Write out your own ‘lament’ using this passage as your template.  Share it with your group.
  2. How do you practice patience and waiting on God in times of need?  What are some tools that you can practice this week?
  3. Ask God to bring you rest in specific areas of your life.  Share those areas and check in with someone throughout the week to see how God is responding to your prayer.
  4. How will you practicing putting your hope in the Lord this week as it describes in vs 7-8.

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