Orchard Kids! | Gentleness | PreK to 3rd Grade | Mothers Day 2020

This week we are continuing our series on the Fruit of the Spirit!

Now it is time for worship and our lesson with our teachers for today!!



The Orchard Community Church exists to invite people to find hope and experience love through faith in Christ. It is always our goal to encourage people to find their place in the great big story of God. We hope this will help you on your journey.



  1. Audrey Jane Spaulding on May 10, 2020 at 1:49 pm

    I listened on my I phone and todays Sermon was right on. I was feeling frustrated and angry — not because of the World Situation, not because of the Virus, I am frustrated regarding my Daughter who lives in Arizona. She hasn’t spoken to me for over two years plus. She is angry because I moved my money from one bank to anther and she was upset as she no longer had control of me or my money! I have Prayed and Hoped for a Miracle, I was sending cards to her once a week. I have not heard one thing from ever. So This mornings Devotion , I know you were speaking about today’s problems– I am not even frustrated with this or angry. I was frustrated and angry that my Daughter has chosen to disown me, that includes her grown children as well. Darlene was born on my Birthday1. I raised her to be a better person and to forgive and forget, apparently I didn’t raise her correctly as she has disowned her own Mother. So I am Praying that she has a wonderful Mother’s Day anyhow. I am laying down my burden of how frustrated and upset that I have been with her hating me. I will no longer care that she feels this way. I wish she could hear this Sermon on Mother’s Day, I don’t think she ever goes to Church anymore– or she would get some counseling for her hatred. As far as I know she doesn’t think she has a Mother anymore. Sad but true, She does have a Mother and I am sure that she is going to wait until I am Dead and Gone before she realizes how bad this has been. I have two other grown Children and they are not like this. They have forgiven me for anything I have done and God has Forgiven me for my stupid mistakes. Thanks AJS

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