A Great Harvest | Sermon Questions | Acts 2 | Boldly Sharing

For all of our sermon questions, we like to ask three main questions.

  1. What is God saying to you?
  2. What does the Bible say?
  3. What will you do?

We will ask some of the same questions each week as well as asking several different questions each week. We ask questions in this way because we believe God is doing something in the heart of the person that is asking the question. When we slow down long enough to ask the question “What is God saying to me?” we give ourselves the time and energy to pay attention to what He might be saying. The Bible questions are there to help us ensure we are hearing correctly from God. God’s word will always be consistent with His voice in our heart and mind. The final questions on “What will you do?” are designed to prompt you to search your heart on what God is saying and respond to it.


If you have questions, please email questions@orchardcc.org.

What is God saying to you?

  1. Considering the message today, what do you think God is saying to you?
  2. What is hard about sharing your faith?
  3. Have you ever struggled in sharing your faith? Share a story.
  4. Considering the message, what has your experience been on the issue of being filled by the Holy Spirit?

What does the Bible say?

  1. What does Pentecost mean? Why is it significant?
  2. What were the tongues of fire?
  3. What is the Holy Spirit? How is this theme woven throughout Acts 2?
  4. Who received the Holy Spirit? How was the gift of the Holy Spirit manifested in Acts 2?
  5. How did they all have different languages if they were Jews?
  6. Why did they seem drunk?
  7. Why is it end times? Why would they present it this way?
  8. Who is The Prophet Joel? What prophecy was being fulfilled? Read the verses in Joel.
  9. Why are visions, dreams, wonders, the sun and moon important features here?
  10. How is Peter’s Sermon here different than the sermon in Acts 1?
  11. Why do we need to hear about King David?
  12. What did it mean to be “Cut to the Heart”?

What will you do?

  1. What did they mean by “Repent and Be Baptized”? Are you baptized? Why or why not?
  2. Why was it important to be devoted to the apostles teaching and eating together? How do we do this today?
  3. Why was it important for them to share their resources with one another? How is this practiced today.

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